Heat Treatment for Termites
TAPS Termite can Kill Termites in 1 Day!
Termite Heat Treatment
TAPS Termite uses a non-chemical, non-toxic heating process to introduce clean, dry heat into a structure to eliminate drywood termites. Our technicians are on-site for the entire job and gradually increase the temperature of the site to between 140 and 150 degrees and the wood core reaches 120 degrees.
Our TAPS technicians then maintain the temperature at or above that level for 1.5 hours to ensure a complete kill. The entire procedure may be completed in as little as 8 hours, but varies from one structure to another depending on factors such as the building’s construction and the weather conditions.
What is heat treatment for termites?
Your TAPS termite specialist will inspect the interior and exterior of the home to identify areas with active drywood termite infestations. Then, he or she will make recommendations on what items should be removed from the home and what equipment should be shut off before the heat treatment (sometimes referred to as termite heat fumigation) begins.
How does termite heat treatment work?
Once your home has been prepared, your termite specialist will use special heaters to blow hot air throughout your home. For effective drywood termite control, heat must raise air temperatures to between 120 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures inside the wood – where the drywood termites live – must reach 120 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 35 minutes to kill the termites. A typical heat treatment takes less than a day, including set-up, which makes it a more convenient and environmentally-friendly alternative to gas fumigation.
Using heat for termite control leaves no chemical residue; it may be preferred by environmentally-conscious homeowners. However, the absence of residue means that heat treatment provides a one-time solution to termite problems.
Heat termite treatment does not provide protection against future infestations.

Contact TAPS Termite and schedule your WDO Inspection
Our experienced and licensed crew technicians utilize the best products available in today's market to rid structures of active infestation or infections of wood-destroying pests. Talk to your inspector during your inspection to find out what course of treatment will best suit your needs.
Although these pests vary significantly in the number of species they belong to, there are only about three types that homeowners, repairmen, carpenters and house inspectors encounter. These are the Formosan, the subterranean or ground termite and the drywood termite. Of these, the two often found to inflict plenty of damage are the subterranean and drywood types.
If you have enough evidence to believe that your home might be under termite attack, the best thing to do is to consult a pest control professional to take a look at your house. They would know best how to kill termites. Trying to treat the infestation on your own may just make the problem worse. And take note that the best time to kill termites is always right away.
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